The Most Important Walk

I am just back from several months of traveling around, busy-ness and not-writing about the wonderful walks in my life. I will be catching up with all the adventures you all have written on your blogs; but today, I am thinking about one particular walk – the most important one, in fact.

There are so many reasons to walk around, wherever you find yourself:

  • The (fresh) air: humid, cold, dry or hot, perhaps clean and dirty at the same time, smelling of the local mix of spice.
  • The feel of your feet against the ground: uneven surfaces, soft or hard, with painted lines to guide you or with pulverized dust unsettled at each step.
  • The sounds: machine or creature sounds, music from a change in weather or from a radio, sounds that tell you how many people are near by and what type of things accompany them as they live their lives.
  • The sights: giving you memories to call back sometime much later, views from every day or from a once-in-a-lifetime walk.
  • The sense of renewal: a time to put away your thoughts and just experience what you see, feel, smell and hear.

I am grateful to be able to walk in many places around the world. But I am most grateful to put my feet to the ground and walk out my front door. It’s a habit that helps me live a better life. Because that most important walk is the one we take every day, wherever we are.

12 Replies to “The Most Important Walk”

  1. I am coming back 🙂 I am so happy to ‘see’ you again, Susan! The most important walk is, indeed, the one we actually take. And the reasons you list are motivators too.

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  2. Welcome back Susan! How wonderful to read this post and know you’ll be sharing thoughtful stories and inviting your readers along for your walks. I’ve taken an unexpected hiatus from the blogging world too but I’m looking forward to resuming posting some of my own writing soon and rejoining the amazing community of online bloggers. Anita

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